Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Thanks but no thanks?

Got reading in the news today about a story which I find rather intriguing.

Math genius gives up million dollar prize for solving centuries old mystery.

Wow what was this guy thinking?? Apparently this guy lives with his mother and can be found hiding out in the basement of a Russian university in St. Petersburg.

Scientists are very special people. I have met many on occasion as my husband went to one of the most recognized technical universities in the world. I can only imagine how many of these people there are hiding out in their labs figuring out the ultimate mysteries of the world. I do worry about them though.

I met one guy who was a pure germaphobe. This guy tracked every cent he spent and he would get upset if he had to buy a new pen because you just happened to use it for one quick second. We have often joked about what he would do in the event that he ever found a girlfriend and wanted to take the relationship to "the next level"

Oh my all the things that I have thought about doing a masters thesis on!

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