Sunday, July 24, 2005


Max Forsberg: Blogger

Yeah Max can say that he finally got his shit together and got a blog. The address is pretty complicated because he decided to take the first letter of every team in the Elite series football league in Sweden. He's not very imaginative is he!!! So here it is hopefully that will show up so you can just click on it but if not sorry, you'll just have to cut and paste.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Nothing new!

Seriously nothing of any total interest has been happening since May. I finished up "my project" before June 15 (was basically told to leave them what I had finished and leave totally which was totally fine by me because I wasn't making any money what so ever there. So I ended up back working at the hospital to even more shit than you can shake a stick at. Which I might write more about later! Just depends on how pissed off I get this week!

Wedding plans are progressing slowly. If I can get Max to calm down about things I think that we might get through this time in our lives relatively unscathed. Imagine that! We have set the date in Sweden for the 24th of September and the date in Canada is the 15th of July next year.

So as you can see Sarunas is having a much more interesting time this summer than what I am. So are Lanny and G from the looks of their f-blog!

Oh and as far as school is concerned I pulled off a most brilliant mark in my Sociology of Religion class! I earned my first ever B+!! I am Calgary now two days a week taking a Sociology of Consumer Culture course which is really interesting and all we ever seem to talk about is how screwed up the Americans have made our lives (Sorry Sarunas I don't mean you!! We discussed this once before!) So just maybe I will be able to pull off my first ever A- or even an A or A+ which would seem most remarkable! Literally!