Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My dog is loving this!

It's now something like 11:30 and I have only gotten out of bed to go to the bathroom, make a cup of tea and get the mail. My new drivers licence showed up!Yayyyy I can go to the bar again! Meanwhile my dog has no budged an inch. No he's not dead, he occasionally does his paw twitch thing which tells me two things, he's still alive (thank god for that) and that he's probably dreaming, either of eating food he's not supposed to or chasing tail, his or someone elses!

I think he's taking advantage of the fact that I am sick because normally he is left home alone all day and he doesn't like that. He has cried and whined so much that when he barks he goes arf arf, which makes one of the neighbours laugh becuase he sounds more like a seal than a dog! And he has taken to panting quite a bit, I think it's because he gets all worked up when we're not home.

Why is that? Well for most of his life he was rarely left home alone. My grandmother lived out her last 3 1/2 years here with us. My dog never left her side, he was a regular visitor when she was in hospital recouperating from hip replacement surgery. It's kinda funny when you think about it because she was never the type to have animals in the house but some how Tinker weasled his way into her heart. My father on the other hand was unemployed for most of my dog's life so they spent a great deal of time together, when my dad died that is when most of my dog's anxiety began.

Needless to say the dog gets to go out for alot more car rides than he used when he was younger. At one point I was taking him to school with me, when I only had an hour long class that is!

He's an old fart, he'll be 16 in October, which I guess is about average for a small mutt like him. He's pretty deaf and blind, but most days you'd swear he was a puppy! He still flies (some pretty sweet air for a dog!) off the automan when mom or I come home.

Anyways mom is home, he hasn't clued in so I guess that I better clue him in that she is.

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