Thursday, August 31, 2006

Kristine Anderson

Ok so I mentioned a girl I went to high school with. Her name is Kristine Anderson.

(I am totally going to laugh my ass off if in some way she Googles her name and this post comes up as a search result!!!)

I don't really remember her much until about the ninth grade. Hey! I had my own little world to contend with at time as well you know! Ironically enough though I remember her older sister Laura much better at that time. Essentially, two peas in a pod. Anyways in the ninth grade it turned out that we were in class together because we were in a self-directed program together. She was the jock and she had long hair that she would flap in face all the time in math class because she sat infront of me (this continued throughout high school ironically enough). She would rag on me because that year I busted up my knee and had surgery and gained weight, enough so that I ended up having to get some different clothes and they weren't as "name brand" as they used to be (ie: read- tough economic times! dad hitting the bottle ALOT!). The thing that really really chewed my ass was that she was making the fact that I lived on the wrong side of the tracks in a trailer court a huge issue. She was comparing me to people who skipped school because they could, used drugs, and got stinkin drunk every weekend! That was not me... hello! University Grad here!

I thought that after Grade 9 that would be the end of it. OOOOOhhhh soooo wrong on so many levels!! I dated the wrong guy! An Indian (nothing wrong with it by the way, unless you're a redneck) who wasn't exactly keen on school and was in the program to prove it. I remember walking into gym class one morning because of course we has to be in the same gym class (i loved gym in school, it was an easy subject to get a high mark on just for showing up!) and her and a few of her loving sidekicks (which were ever changing, and I'll get to that in a sec) were throwing condoms at me because word had gotten out that my boyfriend at the time were engaging in that certain activity. OOOOOhhhh did I ever get her back at the school ski trip! We had to take a 1 hour lesson, because at least it would look like we were learning something instead of taking a day off of classes just to go skiing, which was one of reasons why I signed up for gym in the first place, 2 or more ski trips a year!! Anyways Kristine came along because she didn't want to left out (awww, poor baby!) but when we were in the lodge getting ready she was crying because she has never done this before and it was soooo scary! So we get our gear and head out, we were all to meet on the top of the bunny hill so the instructors could tell us which level we were supposed to be at. I was in the highest level (which to me was totally cool because I had only been skiing for a few years) she was stuck with the beginners. So lessons were done and we were left to do our own thing. I was going at it alone because normally people slow me down and well I am a loner, I'm used to it. So I am coming to the end of another run and I turn the corner and here is Kristine wiped out and she's having a hard time getting back up. So I stop and ask her if she wants help, I was being honest and genuine, I have done nothing to her at all, and all she does is glare at me. Ok I get the hint and I ski off, but just for me I take the same run again. I come around the corner again she's up on her feet, but she's walking down the hill carrying her skis. I thought to myself wow there's not much depth to that one is there!!!

The next year when it came time to go skiing again, I casually asked her if she was going and she just glared at me again. WOW!

So fast forward to our last year of high school, pretty much the same shit keeps going on. She ragged me about not being smart (in this cast not even trying, I just showed up to make my parents happy), being trailer trash, and being virtually boyfriendless and friendless. Last year of high school, I snagged the foreign exchange student, and broke the biggest rumor that entire school had ever heard. She bragged to her girlfriends one morning that she hooked up with one girl's boyfriend on more than one occassion that previous weekend, but not only that she was hooking up with her own boyfriend at the same time! All I had to do was tell one person and by noon there was a catfight just waiting to break out. Yeah no one ever suspected the loner as the leak!!

It was because of her I didn't have many friends in high school. Trust me it wasn't for a lack of trying on my behalf! It was because of her that I didn't walk to get my diploma, I had it mailed.

Oh and how is this for fate. I took a year off between high school and university to travel and what not, but also to avoid as many people from my grad class as possible. My very first class, who proceeds to sit infront of me again! Kristine Anderson. This time very curious to see how my trip to Europe went and if Max and I were still an item! GGGGRRRRRRRR

So I hope that you found this when you Googled your name, and know that eventhough it was because of you my high school experience bit the big one, I will have graduated from university. And even with a crap knee I can ski better than you!!

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