Friday, February 17, 2006

What a good day!

So I got up this morning dreading getting out of bed because last night before mom went to bed she told me that RBC called again. I was thinking oh great I get to spend another day on the phone talking to about 3 different people who don't know anything about doing their jobs. But they just called to tell me that they had finally gotten my file updated, and that I don't owe them anything. Which is nice because I really didn't want to go through the hassle of getting my mom to write them a cheque, but then again the Bank of Mom offers a rate that does not compare to any bank!

So after that I called my hubby because it seems like weeks since we talked (only a day or two) and it turns out that his mother is one step closer to booking the tickets for their trip this summer. That's nice because it would be nice to start putting in for holidays soon.

Then off to school, this was the only bad part of the day because the prof is a crackpot and we have been talking about the same thing for three days now! I think it is time to get on something different but then again judging by some of the dumbass questions that were asked it might be a few days longer. I swear that thinking logically for some people takes more brain power than what they are totally capable of!

So I went for lunch with one of the ladies that I work with, I say lady because she is only a few days older than my mom but is a hell of a lot of fun to be around with. Turns out that her step-daughter had to take a friend to the hospital and needer to someone to look after her daughter for a bit. Well that's ok. "Beaner", as what she is affectionately known as amongst her family, is a good kid anyways and did put up much of a fuss. So when her dad came to pick her up it was game on for lunch. We ended up going to Montana's. Absolutely delicious. And I was introduced to one sinful dessert, Deep-fried Cheesecake. OH MY GOD. This is a close substitute to sex!

So once I got my officially fat ass home, I turned on the TV to see that Canada had a very good day today at the Olympics. One gold, one silver, and one bronze, and we have secured another medal for women's hockey. This is fantastic!! Canada vs Sweden. Hubby get your hockey sticks out, we're gonna have some fun!

So my mom gets home and tells me a rather ironic story. My second cousin, who was born out of wedlock much to the dismay of her grandmother, who is my aunt (although not really anymore because she disowned my father, mother and I) just gave birth to a little girl. The irony is that she unmarried as well. I can just imagine what my aunt was saying. (BITCH!) And to think that my aunts on my dad's side were so concerned the first time that I went to Sweden thinking that I was going to go over there and get pregnant! I'm not going to say anything here because if I did I am pretty sure that my blog would be taken offline! Although congrats to my little cousin and hope that you recover well and fast, some slight complications right now but it should pass.

And last but not least my hubby called me again. He just got home from his little paper route. Fucking goddamn Swedish unemployment! Anyways it turns out that his sister and her boyfriend will show up about a week before my mother-in-law and father-in-law, and his sister and her boyfriend will depart shortly after the wedding, so that means that the full house won't seem as full for as long! And so it is off to bed because I am working a rare Saturday shift tomorrow and well this week is going to be long one because it is reading week, I have a huge list of things to do and to top it all off, I am also working an astonishing 5 shifts next week. I stole 3 shifts from one co-worker because nobody likes to work with her! Ha ha ha hahahahahahahahahaha ha ha hahahahahahahahahahaha ha haha haha hahaha!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh I can't stop thinking about it! It occupies my mind all the time now!