Saturday, February 25, 2006

Anyone up for a Timmy's in Afganistan!?!

So I was watching The National on the CBC tonight ( yeah I know I am actually watching the CBC!)and they had a story about how with the new government, there is an increased (uh duh!) likelihood that our mediocre military is going to get some funds. Now I do have some opinions on this one. The military has had an absolutely horrible habit of wasting money. My parents have many stories from their years of working at the old CFB Penhold. But more recently was the fire on the made-over British submarine that caught fire and please forgive me for not putting it here but I can't spell worth a shit right now!
Anyways the head honcho of the military is coming up with a shopping list that he is going to take to our fuck head Prime Minister (see, didn't mention his name!) of ours. It's the usual stuff, some helicopters and tanks, BUT A TIM HORTON'S IN AFGANISTAN!?!?!?!?!?

Yeah I think that I am going to leave it here...

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Canadian politics are rather boring when you think about it. What role do we play anyways!?! We are the peace keepers and lets keep it that way!

As for CFB Penhold, it was an airforce base close to where I live that was closed down in the 90's.