Friday, February 10, 2006

Tim Horton's Made Me Cry!!!

Ok I just got finished watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics.

New Tim Horton's Commerical

For those who know me well, and I mean really well know that I can't watch too much tv or else I turn into a blubbering idiot. I have been since I was something like 4 and watched Old Yellow for the first time. If you ever get a chance to meet my mom she will tell you the story about that.

Anywhooo, there are somethings that I can't watch without getting all teary eyed. Extreme Home Makeover does it to me every Sunday. Well, there is a new commercial from Tim Hortons that got me "overclempt" so to speak. Some of you out there might have seen it. It is the one with the old asian guy and the young asian guy. Pretty much the premise is when the young guy was a child he was like any typical boy growing up in Canada he liked hockey. But the father was like "son, you must study" so anyways the years go by and the son is now at the hockey rink with his little guy watching the game when the old guy shows up with a double double. The son is like "what in the hell are you doing here" and the father is like "that's grandson right??" the son then says "you probably don't even remember what team I played for" and all the father does is pull out this old tattered picture of the son when he was a young little hockey player. Yeah here I go getting a new box of tissues!

So yeah, final conclusion... I love Tim Horton's, the commercials (the cross Canada one, the student overseas, the back packer), the coffee (extra large english toffee), doughnuts (vanilla dip), and sandwiches (turkey bacon club on whole wheat, not toasted). And if I ever win the lottery I am going to seriously look into getting a Tim Horton's franchise!


Rainey said...

All apologies, but although we are the same age and lived in Innisfail, I can't remember you. Can you jog my memory somehow? Thanks for posting on my blog though.

Michelle said...

Hi Mark, my last name was Newman.

Anonymous said...

Hi If you want a copy of the 2 commercials e-mail me i I`ll get you a copy. Glad you enjoyed itRuss

Michelle said...

nah, then I'd be crying all the time and then I will be rendered completely useless (i already am so lets not beat a dead horse here!)but thanx for the offer!