Friday, January 06, 2006

Sleeping pills...... good thing!

Ok so as I have been saying, I can't remember the last time that I had a good night's sleep. Especially recently because I think that since the new year I have had two sleepless nights. So last night I took one of my perscription sleeping pills and slept so well that I didn't get out of bed until noon! I couldn't believe it. I didn't wake up at two or at three or at four!!! I heard my mom this morning bring down the dog but I didn't really care. I woke up at around nine rolled over and went back to sleep.

So I when I finally did get out of bed I called Max and he's doing well, he's going back to school for another six months because well he can't find a job and he does want to come here and then have to go back again and then come back here again! But nonetheless he is doing well.

I also called the bank that has my loans turns out they screwed up and I don't have to pay them back yet, which is nice because I didn't want to give them their money yet! So it has been a good day!

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