Monday, January 30, 2006

The good news just keeps on coming!

So I called my dear hubby this morning to see if he had finally booked his ticket to come and see me this summer, but he couldn't because he couldn't get on-line to find out what his bank balance was so he told me that he would do so as soon as he could get on line. I get home from school this morning and low and behold I noticed that he called me. So I called him back, he's booked the ticket! June 13th! Awesome!

But it got better, when my mom come home for lunch she told me that the Ralph bucks are here ($400 prosperity checks from the government). Yeahhhhhhh, even though I had to sign mine over to her anyways because I owe her so much money it is going to be at least two lifetimes to pay her back!

Today is a good day indeed!

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