Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year, Same Old Same Old

So I hope everyone out there had a good new years! I had an ok one. Firstly I am sick, because well I just had to make the most out of my time since I am not in school. I have a tendency of slacking off while in school, so when I am off I usually don't sleep all that much. Hence I slept in until 11 on Christmas morning and 2 in the afternoon New Years Eve which just also happens to be my birthday! So I got the usual ice cream cake and pizza and for a nice change of things we went to some very good friends of mine for a kitchen party. Mom also had to bring her shadow which in the end turned out to be a bad thing because the whole way home she bitched that we talked about sex wayyyy too much. Obviously you can tell those two don't get much in terms of action, but then again neither do I but you don't hear me bitching about the lack of sex!!

So I brought in the new year with some friends and then we had to haul ass home and get me to bed so I could get some sleep so I wouldn't feel like a piece of shit the next day at work. Oh I was soooo wrong about that. I didn't have a hang over, that wasn't at all the case, it seems that my "sickness" (read: I haven't got a fucking clue as to what I have) seemed to get the best of me. Somehow I made it through work, I think it was the thought that they would have replaced me with someone who isn't exactly the greatest at anything she does and well I couldn't do that to my team members that and the fact that that time and a half carrot was dangling in front of my face and well I think that would relieve some credit card stress. I get home from work and instead of sitting down for a few minutes and taking a breather, I headed off to the showers, and then off to bed where I crashed for about 5 hours, and in that time mom managed to move the living room around and entertain her shadow. So I managed to eat some subsistence and then head back to bed. I got up this morning for work and just couldn't do it. My sinuses are so blocked up that when I sit up the drain is something else, I wouldn't call it some sort of atmosphereic phenomenon, but I just don't think my co-workers would appreciate me walking around with Kleenexes stuffed up my nostrils. Even though they all think I am crazy anyways.

So comes the new years resolutions in no particular order:
Quit procratinating
Lose some weight (got that second wedding dress to consider)
Concentrate on school (no really I do have trouble focusing)
Be nicer to my mom (because apparently she had told people that I am cranky!)
Try to look more presentable (ie:wear my contacts more, and doing something with my mop!)
Try not to listen to anything that my mother-in-law says (when it is something nasty and upsetting)
Try to be neater
Try to do more laundry

I am pretty sure that I am going to come up with more of these.

Oh and one more


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