Sunday, March 05, 2006

One of those days...

I'm listening to Matt Good right now because I seem like I am in one of those brooding moods. Frustration seems to be getting the best of me and well this time it was rather self-inflicted and I should have known better!

Anyways I am going to go in order of my day because it seems like that is some semblance of normalacy ( I can't spell worth a shit and I don't fuckin feel like correcting it) (see told ya!):

So this morning I got up for work as per usual, I really didn't feel like working this morning. I am sorry but since a certain chica from Chile returned back to Canada, I don't seem nearly as excited to work. Anyways I get into work this morning and I find out that the other girl from my department that got interviewed for CSR and got the job decided to accept the offer of employment, which is totally awsome because she is a blast to work with. The reason why she accepted the offer is because of our supervisor's is a royal pain in the ass, and she basically made the other girl's mind up for her. So after that little convo it was time to get some work done. I am not even suited up and this one girl, whom I can't decide if I like her or not (verdict swings each time she opens her mouth!) freaks on me. Apparently the queen bitch found out that she was getting written up by the new guy for being too negative ( um HELLO!!!) and some how I got instagated as for letting her in on it. Someone please tell me why on earth why I would do something so absolutely stupid! I have to work with these people, why would I create dividing lines? Once I got that all cleared up and told her that it was the Chilean chica who is thought to be behind it all she dropped it. So being stuck with the Chilean chica wasn't too bad, but I tell ya I am looking forward to June when I am movin out of there and into a more "hospital" environment.
Work was a fiasco at the end of the day because the girls in cart makeup were not getting the stuff that they need in more ways than one. I got out of that one pretty easily! I had to go to my second cousin's baby shower.

Here's where things get even more interesting:
This is the first "family" thing that both my mom and I have been to since my father died almost three years ago. (Long story short on this one: My father was an alcoholic (more than the others on his side) and his family decided that they should just completely disown him because he had been unable to kick the habit and that made him worthless in their eyes.) So mom and I show up to the shower, almost two hours late because I had to come home from work and shower. My cousin was happy to see me, and she hands to me her three-week old like "here cus I trust you!" Wow! Pretty cool. So my aunt walks up to me and with the usual nose up in the air and says hello and walks past. I am sorry but I was invited and unlike you I am happy for my little cousin. Anyways, it took me about a good 45 minutes to feel comfortable enough to go and sit down amongst them. And when I do I can't help but notice that two of my aunts that were so critical of my father and yet are getting shitfaced on wine right in front of me. It was also pretty harsh of my aunt to say that she is "coming to terms with the fact that she's now a "great-grandmother"". My mother noticed that I spent more time biting my tongue than anything else, I could have said soooooo many things but I held back because afterall and somehow I am the bigger person in all of this! Another thing that I noticed as well is that pretty much all of my cousins married young and had kids pretty young. I AM THE ONLY ONE TO GET A UNIVERSITY DEGREE! I have lived my life so much differently than all of them that I think I have earned the right to say fuck off! So anyways once pretty much everyone had left mom and I helped out with the dishes, no body else was helping my cousin, and my aunt referred to my mother and I as slaves! I couldn't fucking believe it! But then again she was probably so drunk that she didn't realize what she was saying. My other cousin was complaining about her saggy eyebrows. She can't even properly feed her children and she taking time off to go for surgery to fix her eyebrows. Something wrong with that I think! It's no wonder that she is single.

So now I sit waiting for the fall out from what could be a very interesting next few months as I prepare to graduate from school and get married yet again. I hardly ate anything because I told my cousin rather decretely how on earth am I going to fit into my wedding dress. I did not dare touch a glass of alcohol just to escape potential comments.

Yeah it is just one of those days!

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