Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The most airheaded comment I have ever heard!

This past weekend was our annual Student Perspectives Conference at RDC. It went well, we had lots of interesting papers presented and everything but there is still one thing that is bugging the crap out of me and this is days after the fact!!!

There is this one girl, who for the life of me, is living in a dream world. She speaks very passionately about being an utopian socialist, which around here is worse than what I am!!

Anyways we were discussing the recent blood drive that was at our school. I was bummed out because the one time that I actually have the time to do it I can't because of the tattoos that I got back in November. Anyways this girl pipes up that the reason why she didn't do it is because she fears that her blood will go to some one who favors conservative views!

Here is one person who preaches that we should care enough to fight poverty in third world countries, fair trade, and yadda yadda yadda and yet to donate blood to save a person's life is just too much. So much for the good will to all men eh!


TimT said...

I shouldn't worry. Everyone knows that people of a conservative persuasion are bloodsucking vampires anyway. :)

Anonymous said...

And I thought I was as dumb as dog shit for smashing a AUD$7000 wheelchair into other wheelchair, all in the name of sport!

Michelle said...

I don't agree with conservatives as much as the next person, but I mean come on!!

Deadman said...

WTF is a conservative?

WTF is a liberal?

I hate these g-damned labels.

I was a staunch Dem for 28 years. But I own my own business so I'm fiscally conservative. Is it a bad thing to want to make a profit?

I am socially "liberal". I support gay rights, a woman's right to choose, blah, blah, fuckity blah. I also supoport Israel and am not a "peacenik" when it comes to self-defense.

Funny thing is, many on the "Left" that visit my blog consistently refer to me as a Republican, in spite of the fact that my sidebar clearly states I am DTS. Those on the "right" don't seem to give a shit.

We all pay taxes. What if we all decided we didn't want to do that because we didn't agree with paying for social services because they help lazy inefficient fuckers on welfare, as well as those who are really disadvantaged and need those services?

Someone needs to remind that stupid bitch that if we all took her attitude, NO ONE would donate blood. I hope to christ she never needs a transfusion to save her life.

Michelle said...

Mark... well said my friend!!! I think that social welfare in the North America needs a good make over.

As for the spinny chick, god forbid she does need a blood transfusion and I am a matching donor!! In that case I would rather save three other lives instead!!