Friday, March 17, 2006

I need to clean my car!

I went to school this morning and stopped for my usual Timmy Ho's and I looked over to the passenger side of my car and thought that I have to do something with all the garbage in my car. I have wrappers from bagels that I eat on the road, because well let's face it I am too damn lazy to get out of bed in time to make my own breakfast!! I have petrified timbits, empty coffee cups, coats, mitts, gloves and hats! Not to mention books, journal articles, and CD's. The outside looks just as bad as the inside!! Someone boogered on my car, and the windows desparately need to be cleaned. In all actuality I am surprised that I have not been pulled over yet because of the disaster that is my car!!! I just wish that it would warm up a bit so I could go and get it washed and then maybe I wouldn't feel so bad about treating my inheritance so disrespectfully!

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