Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm still here!

I know that I haven't posted something in days but I do have a very good reason for that!! I have been pretty busy with my new job!! The hardest thing that I do is make a bed or fill up the med cart!! It's pretty nice. I am not getting yelled at or told that the job that I am doing is total crap or anything negative like that. I get to interact with a whole bunch of people.

There is one really sad aspect of this job that I cannot deny, with our aging population alot of people that were in the ward that I was working (Diabetic/Cardiac)is also a temporary home to quite a number of people who are awaiting placement in a continuing care facility. And judging my the little walk about that my partner and I did yesterday, there are many people in other units that shouldn't be there but we have no placement for them in our health care system! It's pretty sad to see that in the richest province in Canada that we can not take care of our aging citizens!

I told my mom this morning that if I was ever to become demented that the best thing to be done would be to just take me out to the back fourty and just do away from me. That way I would not be a stress on my family, their resources, and my society.

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