Monday, October 25, 2004

The Upside and Downside of Union Jobs!

Okay I am not totally bitching and complaining about my job it isn't so bad. But there are a few things that are so totally mismatched it makes you wonder how on earth it exists

On the upside:
-in this union job I get paid $11.89/hr to do something that could easily be done for $7/hr
-in this union job you could injure one of you other co-workers (she turned on a machine while someone was trying to clear a jammed piece of material and that someone lost her thumb) and still not get fired!
-my job is secure, i would basically have to send a bomb threat in order to get fired, and well sorry peps I don't want to go to jail for something so stupid.
- This job is the easiest thing I have ever done, it is rare that you have to fold things by hand, there is machinery there to do it for you, you basically just have to place it there.

On the downside:
-the gossip is absolutely unreal, I have just started so I don't know every piece of gossip out there, but oh my, thank god I am in the good books of the two biggest shit disturbers in the whole place.
-when someone who thinks that they are the "floor leader" can get away with not doing her fair share of the work. When we get baskets of sheets they are mixed up, there are about three different kinds of sheets and pillow cases. I have been told since day one that every group(there are three)are supposed to sort three baskets of sheets. Well yesterday my group sorted 7 baskets of sheets, 4 baskets of OR, and three baskets of gowns. Yeah I sense a bit of unbalanced share of work!
-in non-union jobs it is relatively easy to get someone fired, I have been able to achieve this feat three times!! In a union job there is virtually no way to get someone fired!

So yeah I had a rough day at work yesterday, I was a little pissed about having alot more work to do than what I normally have to do, another one of my co-workers was a bit more pissed than me because they called soil down twice to help us because we were behind. So it should be interesting to see what kinda spin this lazy chick is going to put on this today, maybe I should make an appearance and find out from the real "floor leader" what is going on.

Ah, office politics and women, a brutal combination!

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