Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Just another day here in Alberta.

Well there is really not too much new with me as of late. I received an e-mail from Max's mother, she has a website up and running, it showcases her business that keeps her impossibly busy, the stable, and Erland's artwork. You should check it out at http://www.fqi.se and a quick disclaimer is that it is in Swedish.

Other than that Max comes at the end of this week which is going to be very nice because the last time I seen him SAS was trying to send me first to Toronto and then to Johannesburg. He's coming for some quality turkey time!! That right folks, here in Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend. It is usually a time that symbolizes the end of the harvest, especially here in these parts, living on the praries. So needless to say I am spending alot of time cleaning the house for his arrival, not to mention looking forward to some shopping too because of Quebec's double dipping sales tax policy Max is coming to shop too!

Right now I am on a committee that is planning a Bachelor of Arts conference which is going to showcase student achievement but also to recruit those who have not made a choice as to what they would pursue in terms of a university degree. I was in an hour and a half long meeting today and it was really interesting to see what is going to come about with a collaboration between students and faculty.

I am watching the vice presidental debate right now and it seems like a pretty tight debate right now, although Cheney looks like he should be taking out that stick that is shoved up his but right now. He seems to be bored with the whole process.


owner said...

I have a feeling that, given Cheney's 4 previous heart attacks, any emotions other than irritation and vileness would probably make his chest explode....

I'm Back!! said...

is it ticking?? the clock i mean...??? hihih
Happy Early Thanks Giving lil Michy!!