Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Living in a small town where nothing happens!

Signs that you live a small town where nothing happens:

-on the front page of the community paper there is a picture of the town's newest set of traffic lights.
-you read the obituaries to see if anyone you know has died, and of what.
-you read the happy ads to see if there is anyone you know has had a baby or gotten married, and then if you have discovered that someone has and you weren't invited then you get really pissed off.
-you read the development permits page to see if there are any new businesses coming in or find out if someone is building a new garage!

See this is what I have to live with!!!


I'm Back!! said...

hahahah... that is not as worse as my tiny little town haha!!! and that's also what i have to live with heheh :)

Michelle said...

yeah but where you live is just plain creepy!