Monday, May 22, 2006

How ironic eh!

Ok the last post that I put on here was this morning commenting on how much I do like my new job. Well... Ok ahhhhh.

Well, the thing is I am always looking for something better, something that uses the degree that I have worked so hard for. So needless to say I have been looking on the government websites at positions that want someone with my sort of education.

I think that I have found it... I just put an application in for a Probation Officer at the Drumheller Institution. To me it is a long shot, but I would be so excited to get an interview, at least this way I know what they would be looking for. I won't know until July, so this gives me an opportunity to really get stuff together at the Cafe so if I do have to leave, the next person that takes over won't be starting from square one like me (not that I am complaining, it makes me look busy!

The waiting begins again!

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