Monday, September 18, 2006

Sweden gets a new prime minister!

Now I'm not one for a whole lot of international politics. However being married to a Swede, having studied in Sweden and taken a course in Swedish political science I kinda have an interest in Swedish politics. If you want scandal, this is the one country that prides itself in the most bizarre political controversies.
For years now the Social Democrats have been floundering. This is a country in which it makes more economic sense to go on welfare than it would be to be working a full time job. Or to put it into something that Max and I both know very well. A country whereby the unemployment statistics are a blatant lie! AND!!! Where university graduates of very highly skilled areas such as engineering and law have to go above and beyond to get a position whereby tens of thousands of others are competing for that same position!! Yeah!

So it is rather refreshing to see that the Moderate coaltition (thank you proportional representation!) eeked out a victory. It should be interesting to see how this story plays out. The new prime minister, Reinfeldt, bears a striking resembalence to my husband. But according Max, Sweden needs this right now. I hope that the situation does change and that we could get to the point that we could go back for a few years. We have discussed that when we have children it would be nice for them to understand both their mother's culture and their father's culture! Understanding their grandfather is a different story, but that's okay we love him for it!

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