Thursday, November 04, 2004

So... Bush did it again!

I think alot of us are still scratching out heads trying to figure out just how in the hell did George W. Bush won himself a second term of office. Quite frankly all of us are feeling like somehow the wool has been pulled over our eyes once again. I myself feel a little bummed for the people in the United States, another four years of an idiot war monger as the head of you state.

In news more pertaining to me, I finally went and dropped that class that I couldn't really wrap my head around. I also found out that I have only 7 courses in my degree to complete and then I will officially be a degree holder. Holy shit!!! I will be the most educated person in my family! Not bad for a bunch of redneck Albertans!!!

As for work... well it's work. There is a new thing that kinda has my goose and that is that one person who was hired after me was asked to go up to soiled laundry (which believe it or not is somewhat a promotion because there is more pay involved!!). But oh well at least I have a job to go to. I keep thinking it would be nice to go back to my old job at the Co-op, one advantage is it would keep me in a loop of gossip that would see me result in landing a book deal. They can't seem to keep staff around that place, they are already short three supervisiors, hmmmmmm. In all actuality if I am to work for some extra cash it would be at the place that I had my very first job. Innisfail Meats, which means the pay would be okay but I would come home smelling like meat and feeling all greasy! UGH!

So for those of you in the states that did get out and vote on November 2 good for you and for those of you who didn't you have no right to complain for the next 4 years. You'll probably just move to Canada anyways, because GWB will lose your job for you!

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