Saturday, November 13, 2004

Just researching for papers!!

Well the time in amongst us once again, it is silly season!!! It is that time of year where all my time is devoted to writing papers!! Right now I am in the midst of researching a paper on barebacking. Barebacking is when two gay men engage in condomless anal intercourse. It is a really interesting topic and I have learned a lot so far. The paper is due on Monday evening so I still have lots more time to figure out what I am going to say.

I still have two more papers due in about another two weeks and then I am off to Montreal!!! Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Work was drama drama drama on Friday!! We got a survey about our working environment and when they were referring to our supervisior I though it was some one else. Needless to say I made a BIG booboo. So I went and fessed up to what I did, and I think that won me some bonus points with the boss. I hope so, because it should be rather interesting within the next few weeks, one girl is on sick leave and one is coming back from stress leave. I have to keep remembering that patience is a virtue!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am an apple tree