Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Oh please snow soon!

Okay so now that I have gotten all that political bullshit stuff out of my mind, it is time to write about personal pressing issues.

Well I did it I dropped one of my classes so far, I think that I might have to drop another one here soon, I am going to wait to see what my midterm mark looks like first and then I think that I am going to take this course in Calgary in the spring. It will be much less taxing on my system!!

So now we have snow in the mountians and it is that time of the year again, time to take my skis out of the guestroom closet, blow the dust off of them and take em out for yet another season of skiing. The only problem is the day that my favorite ski resort opens I have to work, you're probably thinking to yourself, so what call in sick and go. Not that simple, it is what we call here a satutory holiday, which means we get paid time and a half for being there. GRRRR As for having snow here it might be sometime close to christmas before we get any snow that sticks around. Right now it is raining and grey, which makes me think I would be better off in Goteborg right now!!! (Lanny don't you wish!)

It is also getting towards the end of the month which is really cool because I am taking a whole 5 days off to go to Montreal to see Max. I am really looking forward to seeing his new environment. I am thinking that he wishes that he could have gotten into some where like Simon Fraser University in Vancouver instead, that way we could see each other more, and going away for the weekend could be more possible.

So other than that I have been contemplating in getting a second job for the holidays. A little extra money here and there would be nice just to get through the holiday season. Plus with another tuition payment looming my finances are looking rather grim, too bad I couldn't just jet off to Sweden to finish my degree!!


I'm Back!! said...

ah, you broke my broken heart for not comming over :(
can't we just playing skii here on my backyard? straight to the frozen sea?? hihihi....

ps. I swear I did write some comments on your blog, but where the heck are they going?? so strange!! and hej, can someone use bad words when giving comments, like ***k, *h*i*, etc???

owner said...

You're not missing much in the way of weather, although these last few days its has been cool and crisp like a proper New England autumn. :)

As for my advice on work: go skiing!

Michelle said...

Point well taken!!