Sunday, October 08, 2006

I accomplished some things this weekend!

I finished Gail's mitt. Yayyyyyy. I also arrived at work this morning to find my desk a disaster area. I didn't leave my desk that way on Friday. Hummmmmmmmmmmm. Yeah. So that was it! I ripped that whole room apart. I went through boxes and cleaned out a whole ton of crap. I even reorganized some of the store too!

So now these are things that I have gotten done:
-Gail's mitt
-reorganized desk
-reorganized stock room
-reorganized storage areas at work
-started on scarves for winter

Tomorrow if nothing happens (ie: I sleep-in until noon) I hopefully will have the following done:
-my laundry (Max and I have come to the determination that I should do my own laundry!!)
-finish reading book that I have taken over two months to read!
-finish scarf

Other things that have to happen this week:
-audiology exam in Red Deer
-oil change for car (FINALLY!)
-offical confirmation
-manager's book!
-Mark and Ryan's move
-call Amy
-e-mail renee and michelle
-beating Max and bowling! I can get 100 POA too you know ;)

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