Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gambling isn't so bad!!

I am one of these people who gets annoyed with those who become addicted to certain things (ie: drugs, alcohol, and gambling just to name a few)however, these things (with the exception of drugs) can be moderately consumed and have no ill effects on the society around them. Take for instance when I go to the casino. It's not very often and when I do I only take $20. I can usually go to a blackjack table and make $20 last three or four hours. Well Saturday was an exception not a rule. We went to the casino and spent two hours at the blackjack table and we both walked out five dollars richer. We came home changed for dinner and went back in with one of my dearest friends. While we were at dinner we told her about our day and how we spent nearly two hours at a blackjack table and we came out 5 buck each ahead of the game. She found this rather intriguing. So back to the casino we went. Well my $20 didn't last so long but Max was doing well. So my friend gave me $20, she wanted me to play it because she is still learning the ins and outs. Well in three hours we were $50 up! That is the best that I have ever done! So that was pretty cool. But I won't be going back anytime soon. I have other things to concentrate on in the meantime!

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