Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Made it safe and sound!

Just for those of you who know where I am, I have made it safe and sound, of course there had to be something that went wrong. I forgot my bag of toiletries, yeah yeah!! It figures! Oh well. I am settled in and I am absolutely nervous about tomorrow! From the people I've met, they know where they are going, I don't. This could be interesting!!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gambling isn't so bad!!

I am one of these people who gets annoyed with those who become addicted to certain things (ie: drugs, alcohol, and gambling just to name a few)however, these things (with the exception of drugs) can be moderately consumed and have no ill effects on the society around them. Take for instance when I go to the casino. It's not very often and when I do I only take $20. I can usually go to a blackjack table and make $20 last three or four hours. Well Saturday was an exception not a rule. We went to the casino and spent two hours at the blackjack table and we both walked out five dollars richer. We came home changed for dinner and went back in with one of my dearest friends. While we were at dinner we told her about our day and how we spent nearly two hours at a blackjack table and we came out 5 buck each ahead of the game. She found this rather intriguing. So back to the casino we went. Well my $20 didn't last so long but Max was doing well. So my friend gave me $20, she wanted me to play it because she is still learning the ins and outs. Well in three hours we were $50 up! That is the best that I have ever done! So that was pretty cool. But I won't be going back anytime soon. I have other things to concentrate on in the meantime!


I woke up this morning to the sound of Max shoveling the snow off the back deck! It was so nice to just sit here today and watch the snow fall. And I just didn't sit around. I was helping mom with a new knitting pattern.

Friday, October 27, 2006

RBC Round 2: the sequel!

Well after much debate mom and I came to the conclusion that it would be much better if I just paid out RBC and just paid the Bank of Mom instead!

One would assume that that would be the end of it, but they also have the possibility of still screwing things up. I hope not, oh my god I hope not!

I'm D-O-N-E!

I finished my last day at my job! YAY!! It's good to leave on a nice note, we had such a busy week. Hopefully momentum will move us both forward!

Checkin out stat counter!!

I just checked out my statcounter and seen that not once but twice someone was checking me out from a CBC server in Ottawa, for over 13 minutes. COOL!!!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

RBC Round 2!

First they wanted my money, now they don't!! This is getting frustrating! I can't wait to get this over with.

Just a word of caution for those planning to use student loans as a way of paying for University, DON'T!!! It's not worth the headache!

McKay should suck it up!

Admit it that you did call your ex a dog, apologize, and start getting to work on some real legislation!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Gettin in shape!

My new adventure has an essence to bootcamp to it. I have to be able to drop and give 20 whenever. Curl ups no problem, used to do those like nothing in high school and I can still do them... been working on them for the last two weeks! Push ups on the other hand. ABSOLUTELY EMBARASSING!!!!! I can't do them, I used to be able to do the lady ones back in high school but here's the thing, that was back in the day before my knees were total crap. So I have been working on them, I can feel it in my arms. This could be interesting, I just hope that I don't get kicked out of there on the account of that!

Hey! I finished a book!

I almost forgot to mention this! I finished it the other night. So now I have started on a book that I bought at Chapters for $6.99. It's a hard cover and if I remember correctly I got the book in the Last Copies isle!! Hopefully I will be able to finish another one before I leave for my adventure!

The countdown is on!

I have three more days at this job and I am off on my great adventure!!! I still have to pack for three months of god only knows what kind of weather.

I just have one question for my boss on Friday, and I hope I like what I hear. It'd be nice to know that I have done something right despite all the criticism that I have heard.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yeah Sure!!

Sure thing, I am leaving my job and things get going better!

Does this mean I was dping something right???


Missing Grad again!

I didn't do graduation in High School. I thought that I was beyond that, I didn't want to spend 4 hours with people that I didn't like. So this time when it came to graduate from University with a degree that I worked over eight years for, I was looking forward to the big university graduation ceremony at U of C. Unfortunately, I have to forgo that for the time being. I have to be elsewhere on that date and it is something that I can't get out of. So I guess I will be doing the convocation ceremony in Red Deer next June. At least my old profs will get to see me finally walk the stage!

Five days left!!!

I am done on Friday...

My adventure begins next Wednesday...

I can't wait, I get to sleep in next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Go Garth!!!

Garth Turner has it right, he works for his constituents!!!! He's been kicked out of the Conservative caucus because he is so outspoken about everything!! Even Stephen Harper!!

Too bad he couldn't take that attitude and run for the Liberal Leadership!!

Gettin there!

I've been working on this one book for over a month and a half and I am almost there. I have about 70 pages left to read! AND THEN THERE"S THE REST OF THE SHELF ON THE BOOK CASE!!!!


Nice eh??


Monday Tara came into the store and told me that one of my neighbours from the "old neighbourhood" had passed away. It kinda bummed me out because I had known that this gentleman had his fair share of health problems in the last few years, one of which was a stroke. Two of his grandchildren are my friends, Tyler, Vikki and I have known each other since I was about 4 or 5. Tyler was friends with my cousin Jed when he lived out in Wimborne, way back when!

I got a call this morning from Tyler, which was nice. I haven't talked to him in years... he's had two kids since then. This was the guy that I was pretty sure that I was going to marry him, and he was going to be a truck driver. This was when I was seven and we used to hang out behind his grandparents house kissing. Well part of that was right, we married different people but he did become a truck driver!!! He said that the first word that ever did come out of his mouth was truck! So we chatted for a few minutes and as it turns out he didn't know that dad had passed away three years ago. There are still a few people who don't know about that!!

Monday, October 16, 2006


I woke up this morning with a distinct feeling, it snowed. I am a subterranian dweller, meaning my room is in the basement, which is nice because well I like it cold in my room. Ask Max, he wears socks to bed!

I get up to the top of the stairs and I notice that the leaves on the apple trees are covered with that beautiful white powdery stuff... SNOW!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Steven Harper is a Pig!!

According to the Chinese calendar, Steven Harper was born in the year of the Pig. I thought that was rather charming. But as I was also just informed that Paul Martin is a Rat.

If you read into this rather well you will surmize that we had Chinese food tonight for supper.

Oh and according to Max's fortune cookie: his sense of nurture will expand to include more people.... does this mean that my sushi cravings actually mean something??

Friday, October 13, 2006

Off to bigger and better things!

I got the call I have been waiting months for!

So with that said, I have given my two weeks notice at my job. It feels so weird. I didn't think that I would be able to get such an opportunity so soon after univerisity but I am going to take it!

So much for Halloween in Innisfail!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Have you heard about this??

Two young guys in Didsbury brutally tortured a dog to death on Saturday. The list of charges is long and yet the maximum punishment for these such crimes is a monetary fine and six months in jail??

I am having a hard time with that one!
But think about it. What would the punishment be if was a small infant? A toddler? A child? A woman? An animal, in most cases, is a defenseless creature. That's right people unable to defend itself!

Cruetly to animals is just one symptom of someone who is a psychopath.

What kind of society are we???

Snow is coming!

I can feel it. Next week it's in the forecast!!! I would be really really nice because snow offsets the rather gloomy overcast weather that we have been dealt this week!

I've figured it out!

Apparently my blog doesn't load properly at times!! Hence the reason why my Alberta Blogs blog roll doesn't appear at times!!


Today was one of those days where I got to sleep in a bit. Max went and got Subway for lunch, very very good. After lunch I went and curled up in bed and read the book that I have been reading since early September. It was really nice to have the dog all snuggled up with Max and I. I even made the remark that in about 10 years time with our luck we are going to have a few kids that are wanting to join in on the snuggle time!

So now I am almost half way through that book!! YAY!!! I still have about 15 others to get through and next year there are two biggies coming out, which means that I have to re-read about 10 books to get ready for that!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm missing Alberta Blogs!

For some strange reason when I moved to beta blogger I lost my Alberta Blogs blogroller. HELP!!!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Statcounter oddities!

I still love to check out my stat counter. I am able to track who visits when. Anyways when it I checked it the other day I found three entries rather interesting. The first one is from Sunnyvale California, there were two visits made that amounted to over nine hours!! Wow, I can usually get through my blog in less than two hours when I am reading comments. I happen to find this rather intriuging!

The second one is from Calgary, three visits totalling three minutes. Hmmmmmm

The third and last interesting hit is from Montreal (ah Montreal!!!) two hits totalling 29 minutes, cool!

Keep hittin' me people!!! ;)

I accomplished some things this weekend!

I finished Gail's mitt. Yayyyyyy. I also arrived at work this morning to find my desk a disaster area. I didn't leave my desk that way on Friday. Hummmmmmmmmmmm. Yeah. So that was it! I ripped that whole room apart. I went through boxes and cleaned out a whole ton of crap. I even reorganized some of the store too!

So now these are things that I have gotten done:
-Gail's mitt
-reorganized desk
-reorganized stock room
-reorganized storage areas at work
-started on scarves for winter

Tomorrow if nothing happens (ie: I sleep-in until noon) I hopefully will have the following done:
-my laundry (Max and I have come to the determination that I should do my own laundry!!)
-finish reading book that I have taken over two months to read!
-finish scarf

Other things that have to happen this week:
-audiology exam in Red Deer
-oil change for car (FINALLY!)
-offical confirmation
-manager's book!
-Mark and Ryan's move
-call Amy
-e-mail renee and michelle
-beating Max and bowling! I can get 100 POA too you know ;)

Planning the ultimate backpack through Europe

Mom and I got discussing tonight, it seems strange that we have gone a whole year without going to Europe!! Not that this is a regular occurance for us. I go about once every other year to every two years. Mom on the other hand has gone twice in the last two years!!

Anyways we were joking with her one friend who came with mom the last time that we went on her birthday. Pretty cool to spend your birthday in Sweden. So we are thinking that she enjoyed her trip so much that we should take her backpacking through Europe for her 70th birthday!

So we were thinking that we would fly to Sweden and spend a few days there, take the ferry from Stockholm to Finland (hopefully one of those cruises with lots of Russians wanting to party and drink lots of vodka) spend a few days in Finland visiting some of Max's family and hopefully time it just so that we could watch the wife carrying contest. Take the ferry down to Tallin for the day and buy lots of cheap alcohol (again!) Head back to Sweden for a few days of rest and relaxation and thennnn!

Take a cheap Ryanair flight from Sweden to London and then off to Salzburg. Hopefully mom will get rearended again (inside joke) and then take the train up to Innsbruck, then Geneva, Milan and Venice. I wonder where else we could end up?? But then again I'd like to go to Russia! I like Russian champange, it's really really good with orange juice.

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This is nice!

Somehow I have managed work out my schedule that I have been able to sleep past 8 in the morning for three days tomorrow and I have two more coming right at me! It's nice because for some unexplained reason my sleep rhythm seems to hit it's prime at around 6 and goes right through till about 10 or 11. I am starting to feel normal again! Hahaha!

Me? Normal?

Thank you turkey!

Ahhhhh I love this blissful feeling of eating wayyy tooo much food!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Tim Hortons Phenomenon!

I haven't been to the Tim Horton's in Innnisfail for ages, and I now remember why!

I went to Tim Hortons yesterday morning because I was headed into Red Deer yesterday morning for a CPR/First Aid course. Now when I was going to school in Red Deer a habit had formed. Before I even left town I bought an English Toffee cappuccino. Usually when I go through it was without much trouble. Yesterday morning however was a different story.

Virtually every one that I have talked to knows or knows of the Tim Horton rules of conduct. Unfortunately, however, the lady that was in front of me is not nearly enlightened. First of all she gave a rather complicated coffee order, AND THEN she had to order a bagel! Everyone knows you don't order food! Doughnuts and muffins yes, anything else food like is a major no-no!! By this time I was not the last person in line! There were five people behind me! So now to the window to pay. The woman used not one but two debit cards, now unless Tim Hortons has gotten one of those highspeed connections this easily adds about 45 seconds to any transaction. But two debit cards??? This is why I carry cash! I know how much my tansaction is going to cost because I have ordered it so many times before.

So off to Red Deer. The place where I was taking my course was just off 67th Street which was fine by me, easy to find!! However, you have to pass easily the busiest Tim Hortons in all of Canada!! The morning before it was nuts but yesterday morning I was easily able to breeze by! I got to class about 20 minutes eariler than I thought I would be for the simple fact I was driving at about 135km/hr because I was keeping up with the flow of traffic. So this gave me a chance to review the stuff from yesterday. I got my CPR and First Aid!! Now for my pre-employment medical!! UGH, this means blood work right?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I fessed up!

I had an enlightening moment the other day at work. I fessed up to what I have been up to! I am waiting to see the end result. This could get interesting.

Today involved me working on my CPR and First Aid certificate. The same tomorrow and then the piece de la resistance: the medical on Thursday.

Oh I still have so much to do! But it seems to make my days go faster! I am still not reading as much as I'd like to and well I haven't finished making Gail her other mitt!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Congrats to Rachy!

After being in the hospital for over 5 months, she being let out!!! Look out Australia!!! Cheers! I am gonna have a drink in your honour!!

Congrats to Cara and Blaine!

They took the plunge and got married last night!!

All the best!