Monday, July 03, 2006

Lazy days of summer!

Yeah this sucks!! Here I am stuck at work because if I don't get 40 hours in someone is going to complain and well I don't like the sound of that, but yet I have this yearning to be out and about so to speak.

The weather is realtively nice, by that I mean that it is nice but in a way a bit too hot for my liking!! My husband is here for the summer and well I always want to be doing something with him because it always seems like time is so short with him.

Plus there is this degree of freedom that I feel that I have never felt before, I don't have to go to school any more. I can sit back and relax, I don't have to look at everything so critically anymore, I can take things as they are and not analyze the heck out of it, or I can analyze the way that I want to and not how some else does!!

Well I guess that I should get back to work and do something, or better yet what I should do is something that makes me look like I am busy but in all reality I am not, I killed two hours this morning doing that. It was rather fun!

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