How is it that for a job market that is short over 1000 engineers can overlook someone with a masters degree??? How is it that someone with a masters degree in engineering can't get a job in this current market. Will one of my faithful readers please explain this to me!!!
Out of the twenty some odd positions that Max has applied for he's gotten three replies, two were pretty blatant go and fuck yourself replies, the other one was a series of three interviews which ended with yet another go fuck yourself. This one I find really frustrating and disheartening. Here's Max all excited because he's going for his first really really big interview. Had the perfect outfit all picked out, knew where he was going in Calgary yadda yadda yadda. He comes home later that day with a sheet of paper. It's the results of the psychological testing that they performed on him. I honestly do not approve these tests but then again any good psychology student knows how to cheat on these!! It basically said that he had been unemployed for an extended period of time and was likely to make rash decision due to his predisposition of hyperactivity!! I laughed histerically for hours about that one. So anyways a few days later he gets another phone call, they want a second interview, right on!!! A week or so goes by and it just so happens that we have to got Calgary for an immigration hearing and he gets a phone call for a 3rd interview, I am thinking by this point about three things: that's good, management is really screwy, what kind of company is this?? Three interviews??? How many people out there have to go to three interviews before they are hired on??? So they tell Max that they should get back to him by Friday or early next week (Monday or Tuesday right??) Nope not these guys they waited until Wednesday to call. GRRRRR But then again had they hired him, Max was going to request that they at least give him a signing bonus for all the runaround.
So that was the last two weeks. But like I posed eariler what's going on??? I just don't understand the job market for engineers. So being the active problem solver that I am, I packed Max's mopey ass into the car and drove into Red Deer. Afterall the Service Canada office provides all sorts of job market information right??? OH MY GOD!!! We got a less than enthusiastic reception, but nonetheless Max is signed up to learn about the hidden job market tomorrow.
Today how ever was a different story. I found about 9 different staffing agencies in downtown Calgary for Max. I drove him down, he hit the pavement, and I went shopping at IKEA. Well we got some answers, which was nice, at least someone out there is willing to work with Max on getting something!! Apparently eventhough there is a insane shortage of engineers in Alberta it's a pain in the ass to get your foot in the door. And to the guy that said to Max today that he should pack up and move to Ontario or BC, did you happen to think that his wife is fully employed with a job here in Alberta, and probably makes more in a year than what he does!!