Monday, November 28, 2005

Finally getting something done!

Ok I am right now working from the library at school thinking that I would be better able to concentrate without as many (duh I still have the internet here!)distractions. Right now I am working on a paper about binge eating disorder (it explains why us fat people love our carbs!) that is now two weeks over due! Yeah I think that I should make it my new years resolution to make sure that I get one paper in on time this year! I still have another two papers to finish before the day ends. Yeah! Oh and I also ended up playing sick today from work just so I can get this done, that means by my calculations I have called in sick at least once a week for the last three weeks, at least I call which is more than I can say for some of the crack whores I work with. Last week I was sick, I ended up getting some stomach bug from work and ended up sleeping with the toliet again, I did that some three years ago and well I can't say that was much fun, I am just glad that my bathroom floor is much cleaner than my sink, which seems to be growing some funky hair right now.

So how's Max you ask??? Well today is my darling irreplaceable hubby's birthday! I was so excited when I bought his card for his birthday because on the top in bold letters was the word HUSBAND!! I guess in a way I thought that I might end up being some little (yeah haha haha!) old spinster with a house full of dogs. Being married seems like such a better option, besides I just added 5 years to Max's life expectancy (yeah figure that one out!). Still waiting to hear back about his criminal record check which I am thinking that we aren't going to get because with Christmas coming up nothing gets done around here! I am starting to think that the poor boy is bored to tears because he can be seen these days in the barn cleaning out stalls, trust me I would be totally shocked if he starts riding just for something to do. He's headed off to Dublin for a week in December to see if he can find some temporary work there because even finding something in Sweden in proving to be rather difficult. McJobs are few and far between there, while here you could make $8/hr at Timmy Ho's serving up cups of Joe! Or sort dirty ass laundry for $14/hr like me.

Back to me once again. I think that I am starting to be a burnout. Not only and am I getting sick of working eventhough we just got our raises and stuff but school is starting to lose it's appeal, or it could be that I have one prof who is totally being a pain in the ass. I haven't come to any broad range conculsion on that one yet but then again it seems as though I couldn't be moving any slower through life right now. I am looking forward to Christmas this year which is really strange because this is the first year with just my mom and I. Not to mention this is the first year of our marriage and Max won't be with me for the first time in two years for Christmas, but then again we have only spent a grand total of three Christmases together since we started seeing each other over 8 and a half years ago. Wow it's almost been ten years.

Anyways I suppose that I should get back to what I intially drove 20 minutes for, that is to finish three papers in nine hours! Ok two of them! If I am lucky!

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