Monday, February 05, 2007

You gotta love people who are downers!

One of girls that my mom works with has pretty much the same degree as me and both of us have taken different paths with it. She didn't use hers, while I am in the process of using mine. She works for mommy and daddy, I don't. So now that I am have found a job that encompasses all that I have learned, she gets jelous. How is that? I remember we talked once and she told me that she looked after university for a job but couldn't find anything that she thought that she would like. Well then why on earth did you take sociology when all you ever wanted to do is lock yourself in a back office somewhere crunching numbers for your mommy and daddy? I took sociology because I like the interaction with different people. So before you tell my mother that I would get laid off (when I most definately know that I am not otherwise) in the next six months, you better look and see first. I will in all likelihood, never ever be without a job!


Lesley said...

I totally agree with you, people that are downers suck! Why are women so catty? They're always the first to criticize and I think 95% of the time it's because they're jealous that they didn't do it or think of it first.

Michelle said...

Women are so bad! I am sure that I have been that way once or twice in my life, but I always try to be happy for people when they are trying to do better for themselves